
紀錄⽚導演及製作⼈。 2011年畢業於香港城市⼤學創意媒體學院,主修批判性跨媒體實驗。2009年起參與 各項表演藝術製作,包括《社區⽂化⼤使計劃》、《新視野藝術節》、《法國五⽉藝 術節》、《香港週》等。她的創作⾜跡不⽌於香港,及⾄中國⼤陸、台灣、新加坡及 美國。2013年曾參與由台北莫比斯圓環創作公社主辦的《空凳上的書簡》,與該劇 導演何應豐先⽣聯合創作演出錄像。2014年她亦曾參策劃台港藝術交流的《香港 週:香港台灣動畫50年⼤展》。 由錄像藝術到商業製作,余⽒融合跨媒體藝術及表演藝術中「整體呈現」主張,曠闊 她對藝術創作視野及兼容度,深化對創作和⼈⽂關懷的觀察及理解。由2016⾄今, 她與中⽂⼤學⽂化研究所及通識學科,以360度虛擬實境技術及動畫製作,協作學術 研究及教學資源發展。

Tiffany Yu is a Hong Kong video artist, documentary director and producer. In 2011, she graduated from School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, major in Critical Intermedia Laboratory. Since 2009, she has been exposed in major local art events such as Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme, New Vision Arts Festival, Le French May Arts Festival and Hong Kong Week etc. In 2013, she co-designed performance videos with Theatre Director Hoyingfung for his piece Special Delivery: Politely Intractable, presented by Taipei Möbius Strip Theatre. In 2014, she was a curatorial member for a Hong Kong and Taiwan cultural exchange exhibition called Hong Kong Week: 50 Years of Hong Kong and Taiwanese Animation. Since then, she has been expanding her footprints to Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and United States. From video arts to commercial productions, she dedicates her creations through the lenses of humanistic and cultural understandings. From 2016 until present, she has been collaborating with the Institute of Chinese Studies and Office of General Education from Chinese University of Hong Kong in developing cultural research and academic resources using 360° VR Panoramic technology and Animation. Her flexibility and capability in using cross-disciplinary art forms has been fundamentally realised by merging ‘Intermedia arts’ and the aesthetics of ‘Total Theatre’ as a whole.