Teaching Artist

Crystal Chu has been a passionate disciple of the performing arts for well over a decade, graduating from the HKAPA EXCEL full-time Musical Theatre Programme (Pearson BTEC Level 4), and committed to ongoing professional development in various technical and creative aspects of the craft. She has performed in numerous productions, films, and commercial, and she is a highly skilled drama educator.

朱曉瑩從演藝進修學院畢業,修讀全日制音樂劇課程(Pearson BTEC 第4級),十多年來一直熱衷於表演藝術,並致力使專業於多種技術和創意方面持續發展。

 朱氏有豐富的戲劇經驗,最近的專業演出包括《The Jungle Book》(叢林之書)、《Twelfth Night》(第十二夜)、《Dangerous Liaisons》(危險關係)及《Thumbelina》(拇指姑娘),除此之外,她在音樂劇、電影、戲劇教育、跨國企業角色扮演方面亦有相當深入的瞭解。朱氏參與的電視廣告項目有evian、多芬、滙豐銀行、佳能、Gerber、Expedia等家傳戶曉的品牌。
