Chun To Yeung, an actor, singer, dancer, choreographer, and playwright, is the Director of XTRAMENTAL. He graduated from University of Birmingham in Drama and Theatre Arts in 2019, with an Excellent First Class grade for his Practical Project in Drama: ‘ASIAN vs. AS.I.AM (2019), looking at the institutional racism of Asian representation in Western culture, receiving the highest score that has ever been awarded by the department since establishment. 

 Coming back to Hong Kong, Chun To founded his own theatre organization-- XTRAMENTAL, and has written, directed and choreographed pieces such as ‘Hello To My Hollow Heart’: three short plays about human indifference, ‘Mind, and Hours’: a musical concert about Hong Kong, ‘Chasing Stars’: a Cantonese musical about the DSE curriculum, and ‘32 Seconds of Ecstasy’: an A Cappella-Physical Theatre show that explores what is happiness. He is the musical director in the A Cappella group-- One Note Stand back in Birmingham, and is now part of Y.You in Hong Kong. He is a freelance tutor in AFTEC. His performance credits include: ‘On & Off’ (Move In Dance Theatre), ‘Tap Note’ (Rhythm & Tempo), ‘Fragile’ (HKartsFestival), ‘Questioning Grenfell’ (Live Arts Society), ‘Animals / Us’ (LYNNEBEC), ‘Made in Dagenham’‘Hairspray, the Musical’ (GMTG), ‘Spring Awakening’ (3Bugs), etc. His directorial credits include ‘Socially Constructed Unhinged Madness’: a physical theatre response to Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto, ‘Going Dark at…  Se7en’:an interactive gamified theatre experience centred around a murder mystery, and ‘The New Archaics’: a site-specific performance set in a Tudor house. 

楊竣淘 - 2019年於英國伯明翰大學獲取他的戲劇和劇場藝術學士學位,並以其探討亞洲形象在西方文化裏制度種族主義的戲劇實踐項目《ASISN vs. AS.I.AM》取得優秀的第一級別成績,同時是該系自成立該科以來所給出的最高成績。

回到香港後,楊氏創立了自己的劇團蛋炸饅頭劇場XTRAMENTAL,並自編自導自演了作品如三部有關漠然的人的短劇《Hello To My Hollow Heart》、有關香港的音樂劇《Mind, and Hours》、關於DSE課程的廣東話音樂劇《Chasing Stars》、探討何謂幸福的無伴奏合唱形體戲劇《32 Seconds of Ecstasy》。楊氏在學至今是在伯明翰的無伴奏合唱組合One Note Stand的音樂總監,現時亦是Y.You的一員。他是誇啦啦藝術集匯的自由身教師,曾演出的戲劇有:《On & Off》(09舞蹈劇場)、《Tap Note》(Rhythm & Tempo)、《Fragile》(香港藝術節)、《Questioning Grenfell》(國際表演藝術協會)、《Animals / Us》(LYNNEBEC)、《Made in Dagenham》《Hairspray, the Musical》(GMTG)、《Spring Awakening》(3Bugs)等。而楊氏曾執導的戲劇有回應瓦萊麗‧索拉納斯的SCUM Manifesto的形體戲劇《Socially Constructed Unhinged Madness》、環繞一宗謀殺之謎的互動式遊戲型戲劇《Going Dark at…  Se7en》及演於一棟都鐸式建築的場域特定戲劇《The New Archaics》。